Fire Ant Control

The red imported fire ant was introduced into the United States around 1940. It is presently found in 14 states across the southern U.S., Including Texas. The biggest problems associated with these ants are their aggressive nature and stinging when their mounds or food sources are disturbed. Symptoms of the sting include burning and itching, followed by the development of a pustule that may take a week or more to heal. Scratching these pustules can lead to secondary bacterial infections and can leave permanent scars. As with all insect stings, certain persons are hypersensitive to fire ant venom and may suffer chest pains, nausea, or lapse into a coma from one sting.

The red imported fire ant builds mounds in almost any type of soil. Established colonies produce new queens and winged males during warm springs and summer months. One queen is capable of laying 1,500 eggs per day. A colony established in June could contain 15,000 individuals one year later. A mature colony (3 years old) may contain 100,000 to 500,000 workers and several hundred winged forms.

The red imported fire ant was introduced into the United States around 1940. It is presently found in 14 states across the southern U.S., Including Texas. The biggest problems associated with these ants are their aggressive nature and stinging when their mounds or food sources are disturbed. Symptoms of the sting include burning and itching, followed by the development of a pustule that may take a week or more to heal. Scratching these pustules can lead to secondary bacterial infections and can leave permanent scars. As with all insect stings, certain persons are hypersensitive to fire ant venom and may suffer chest pains, nausea, or lapse into a coma from one sting.

The red imported fire ant builds mounds in almost any type of soil. Established colonies produce new queens and winged males during warm springs and summer months. One queen is capable of laying 1,500 eggs per day. A colony established in June could contain 15,000 individuals one year later. A mature colony (3 years old) may contain 100,000 to 500,000 workers and several hundred winged forms.

MDK Services Fire Ant exterior program utilizes a single application method of control for fire ants that lasts for up to one year. It is formulated specifically for broadcast application. We provide control of existing colonies, as well as preventing new infestations. Highly effective, lowest dose, non-bait, professionally applied insecticide. Residual control for up to one year. Effective after rainfall or irrigation. No need for fire ant mound treatment.

MDK Services Fire Ant program for interior structure program starts with a thorough inspection. Most Fire Ant infestations start outside the perimeter of the structure. The ants enter the structure in search of food and water. They forage along walls and baseboards, and under carpeted surfaces. By following the trail, we can determine their approximate entry point into the structure. At this point exclusionary measures are employed. Treatment methods such as vacuuming ants and mound residual begin. Crack and crevice treatments and void treatments are performed. Pheromone removal is done. Then routine control and prevention measures are established.

Carpenter Ant: Nest in moist, decayed wood and voids. Can cause damage to homes by excavating galleries in the wood to build nests.

• Pharaoh Ant • Pyramid Ant • Acrobat Ant • Harvester Ant • Argentine Ant • Odorous House Ant • Pavement Ant • Big Headed Ant
• Little Black Ant • Thief Ant • Crazy Ant

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